It took French artist Tania Mouraud more than 30 years to come back in New York with a solo project, her first being an installation at PS1 in 1977. Commissaires :Hélène Guenin, Head of Programming, Centre Pompidou-MetzÉlodie Stroecken, Assistant Coordinator, Programming, Centre Pompidou-Metz, Centre Pompidou-Metz. 2007 Tania Mouraud «Sightseeing ... Tania Mouraud, vidéos, Galerie rabouan-Moussion, Paris, France Sightseeing, Le Cube, Galerie rabouan-Moussion, FIAC, Paris, France 2003 Le Verger, FrAC Basse-Normandie, Caen, France Comptez-vous, La Box, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Art de Bourges, France 2001 ETINARCADIAEGO, Galerie Françoise vigna, Nice, France Impressions, … Premier rendez-vous du programme "Intersection", la présentation à Lourdes à la librairie Le Square, puis aux Beaux Jours à Tarbes, de la vidéo "Sightseeing" (2002) de Tania Mouraud, une œuvre qui s’inscrit dans une réflexion sur la mémoire collective, par une mise à … Her work takes many different forms, while remaining based on a real social engagement and ontological questioning; she mobilizes the viewer's sense of self and the world in which she lives. Her frequent visits to the Musée du Louvre … 2007 Tania Mouraud «Sightseeing», Galerie du Lycée Gabriel Fauré, Foix, France 2006 Façade, Nuit Blanche, Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature, Paris, France Or Donc , Galerie Dominique Fiat, Paris, France Ultimate negation, absolute truth, universal circuit-breaker used by Western logicians and Eastern sages.". Elle réalise Sightseeing, un long travelling avant, un road movie oppressant sur fond de musique klezmer. Commissioned by the City of Metz, the centre invests in social projects with schools, retirement homes and hospitals as well. Its programming is based on the multiple facets of this artistic discipline, ranging from conceptual photography to photo journalism from both the national and international scenes, from young photographers to veteran artists. / tania mouraud … Tania Mouraud, plasticienne contemporaine française née le 2 janvier 1942 à Paris Tania Mouraud est née à Paris le 2 janvier 1942. Since 2009, the Exhibition Gallery at Arsenal has been entirely dedicated to photography. Faux Mouvement is a contemporary art centre located in Metz since 1983. They created Toutouchic gallery. Thematic exhibitions bring conference speakers and idea brokers together with musicians, dancers, as well as others from the artistic scene. The focus is on great artists from Metz (François de Nomé, Poerson, Le Prince), painters from the "École de Metz" (19th century) and a set dedicated to abstraction from the second École de Paris (1940-1980). Since the beginning of the 1970s, Tania Mouraud has been creating an oeuvre which encompasses spatial installations, performances, wall paintings, sculptures, drawings, photographs, and films. 2002 Tania Mouraud fonde en 2002 Mouraud started making her Initiation and Meditation Rooms at this time, a study of psychosensorial perception of space. Her youth was marked by the death of her father, killed in the Vercors mountains in 1945. Extension until April 26, 2021, Tania Mouraud in 1968, posing in front of Infini au carré © Droits réservés, Locations : Galerie 2, Hélène Guenin, Head of Programming, Centre Pompidou-Metz, Élodie Stroecken, Assistant Coordinator, Programming, Centre Pompidou-Metz, Documents sur les espaces d’initiation et de méditation de Mouraud, The Sky as a Studio. Two seminal works follow this act of destruction, the largescale white Formica monochrome titled Infini au carré, and Totémisation, a volume-sculpture created on her own fullbody scale. I HAVEN'T SEEN A BUTTERFLY HERE Eva Nielsen, présentée en collaboration avec l’association Point de Fuite, peint des paysages aux artefacts humains isolés. This work was further developed in Wall Paintings as of 1989. Can you decode the inscription on it? "NI" was a type of protest with which the artist left her purely philosophical-linguistic explorations, turning to more politically motivated content. La Française Tania Mouraud, qui expose sa dernière installation vidéo, Ad Nauseam, au MAC/VAL à Vitry-sur-Seine, est de ceux-là. 1977She moved into the public space for the first time with City Performance n°1. Tania Mouraud's creation of a "room for one's self" demonstrates her philosophical reflection on identity and one's connection to the world. Here, clarinets lament while one witnesses a landscape from inside a moving car or perhaps a train? Activité: vidéo, photographie, installation, performance sonore. 2004Sightseeing, Le Cube, FIAC, galerie Rabouan-Moussion, Paris, 2005HCYS? This imposing piece, barely readable because the letters are stretched and thin, embraces the walls and dialogues with Black Continent (Identifiedexperience) (2011) an abstract phrase of black wood relief on an opposite wall with a small screen that emits a faint scream and a blurry video shot in the Negev desert -- an important territory in Israel's history. TANIA MOURAUD, UNE RÉTROSPECTIVE. The words, the journey, the gate, the train: even though you do not know Pavel Friedman, you feel he is in the room. Tania Mouraud is a unique artist in a class of her own. With only five strong and emblematic pieces -- completed within the past ten years -- shown in three different rooms, she manages to create an extremely contrasted sounding and pictorial environment, quite disturbing and unpleasant at first. Nom de naissance: Tania Mouraud. m. exhibition space at 4 rue du Change, the area extending beyond Place Saint-Louis. These works embody the formal and spiritual revival that next shaped her career. 1972Tania Mouraud's interest in conceptual art defined itself in particular for Art & Language, and artists Terry Atkinson, Bernar Venet and Joseph Kosuth. Tania Mouraud, interpellée à ce sujet, explique : " Le titre n'est pas ironique mais cinglant, dur comme une gifle. City Performance n°1 marks a significant shift in Tania Mouraud's work. These aspects have become fully tangible in the different registers of her work and have a fulfilling aspect to them in the AD NAUSEAM audio-visual installation. tania mouraud Tania Mouraud, Borderland, 2007, impression jet d’encre sur papier Fine Art dossier de presse exposition 11 septembre – 13 décembre 2008 fin d’une partie de l’exposition le 18 octobre 2008 contact presse : Emmanuelle Baleydier / +33 (0)2 98 43 34 95 / . Nationalité: française. Tania Mouraud naît à Paris le 2 janvier 1942.Elle est la fille de Martine Mouraud, journaliste devenue ensuite femme d’affaires puis écrivaine, et de Marcel Mouraud, avocat et collectionneur d’art moderne, tous les deux engagés dans la Résistance [5].. Elle est très tôt sensibilisée à l’art par son environnement familial. Presented for the first time in a museum, these works have been re-enacted especially for this occasion. 551 West 21st Street Diverse aspects of Tania Mouraud's work will be presented, expanding on the exhibition at Centre Pompidou-Metz. In the scope of its cross-disciplinarity, Frac fosters a unique relationship with the written word and organises residencies for art critics, historians, philosophers and writers on a regular basis. Dans les vidéos suivantes, Machines désirantes et La Curée, Tania Mouraud prolonge ce travail sur la violence et la destruction du monde, les montages sont plus frénétiques, saccadés, heurtés. The exhibition will be the first to fully explore the expanse of her initiation rooms. Tania Mouraud - Sightseeing - 2002 - Video, 7 min - Courtesy of Cueto Project, New York. Description: Brand-new museum of modern art opened on May 12, 2010. Straight black letters, very elongated and close together, form a word or a phrase that is only legible if the viewer makes an effort: "SEEINGISFORESEEING", "MEMORY", "SEEINGYOURSELFSEEING", "IHAVEADREAM", "WOMANISBEAUTIFUL".Words exhibition, Riverside Studios, London, 1989BLACK POWER, galerie De Lege Ruimte, Bruges (Belgium). ©2021 Verizon Media. … Some of the rooms include research on sound, her own creations or the fruit of work with composers such as Éliane Radigue, Terry Riley, La Monte Young and Pandit Prân Nath. La peinture … Sightseeing (2002) is one of her first works that pointedly refers to Nazi concentration camps by plainly and modestly addressing the Shoah. Mouraud is making this atmospheric journey through history and memory for the viewer -- who also becomes the witness -- deeply moving. Words became the tools and shapes used to materialise her thoughts. Title: Tania Mouraud. Façade, Nuit Blanche, Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature, Paris, France. In her first mural composed of linguistic statements, Wall is seen, Tania Mouraud encourages us to understand the viewer, the act of viewing and the object viewed, as one. In her next videos, Machines désirantes and La Curée, Tania Mouraud worked on the slow choreography of the bodies of koi carp and hunting dogs – playing on their beauty and their deaf violence. Lieux : Grande Nef, Galerie 1 Tarif modulable en fonction du nombre d'espaces d'expositions ouverts le jour de la visite. AD NAUSEAM, a monumental audiovisual installation presented at MAC/VAL – Musée d’art contemporain du Val-de-Marne from 20 September 2014 to 25 January 2015, is also being shown in an adapted version. Tania MOURAUD “sightseeing” 2002 vidéo. Tania Mouraud : La Fabrique, CSUF Grand Central Art Center, Los Angeles, États-Unis Initialement engagée dans une démarche picturale, Tania Mouraud lui tourne le dos dès la fin des années 1960 – l’artiste est née en 1942 – pour développer une pratique pluridisciplinaire qui n’a de cesse d’interroger les rapports de l’art et des liens sociaux ainsi que la question de la responsabilité de l’artiste dans la société comme face à l’histoire. Tania Mouraud, official website. Catalogue, 240 p., 39 €. Located in the historical centre of Metz, in a building from 12th century, Fonds régional d’art contemporain de Lorraine presents its audiences with a variety of artistic experiences. All rights reserved. It is a Latin phrase, "Vanitas vanitatum et Omnia vanitas" from the Book of Ecclesiastes. A partir du 27 juin, elle se déploie dans la ville et son agglomération avec un parcours dans l'espace public. Biographie Une jeunesse cosmopolite. m. of neon-lit white and a chimney. Gallery Hours : Tues - Sat, 11 am-6 pm. Quella di Mouraud è infatti un’opera mobile, che valica i confini istituzionali producendo con- Elle réalise Sightseeing, un long travelling avant, un road movie oppressant sur fond de musique klezmer. 1973Tania Mouraud exhibition, galerie Françoise Lambert, Milan (Italy)Mouraud : Focale ou la fonction de l’art (music: Jon Gibson), ARC 2, musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris*. This aspiration towards art dedicated to space and environment, relatively unheard of on the European art scene, was being explored in the United States at the time by Doug Wheeler, James Turell and Dan Graham, amongst others. On view until June 25th, 2011 Critique d’art, il collabore régulièrement à la revue Parachute. 2010La Fabrique, Krasnoye Znamia, French-Russian Year, Saint-Pétersbourg (Russia), 2014AD NAUSEAM, iaudio-visual installation in partnership with Ircam, MAC/VAL - Musée d’art contemporain du Val-de-Marne, Vitry-sur- Seine (France)*. Tania Mouraud «Sightseeing », Galerie du Lycée Gabriel Fauré, Foix, France 2006 Façade, Nuit Blanche, Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature, Paris, France Or Donc, Galerie Dominique Fiat, Paris, France Tania Mouraud : La Fabrique, CSUF Grand Central Art Center, Los Angeles, États-Unis Sightseeing, Galerie Dominique Fiat, Loop Art Fair, Barcelone, Espagne 2005 Tania Mouraud, … .Art Space n° 5, Special Project exhibition, PS1, New York, 1988Tania Mouraud went back to painting with typographical work and pursued her exploration of the legibility of text in her BLACK POWER series. Faux Mouvement has more recently associated itself with research conducted by university laboratories (Labex Arts H2H-Université Paris 8). Une rétrospective, présentée au Centre Pompidou-Metz du 4 mars au 5 octobre 2015. However, Arsenal is equally open to other musical genres and dance, as well as the fine arts which has a newly reconfigured exhibition space of its own.The richness of modern and contemporary art from the region and boarder areas has led Arsenal to refine its position in the field of visual arts. Since the 1990s, Mouraud has also been exploring signs and symbols created by society to commemorate events and celebrate heroes: flags, medals, decorations, etc. De même, la plupart d’entre elles prennent pour objets des phénomènes existants que l’artiste ne met pas en scène. CQFD Tania Mouraud « AD nAuseAm » - REPRÉSENTATIONS DU DÉSASTRE 14 Du constat à la métaphore Les vidéos de Tania Mouraud sont d’une grande simplicité : elles se concentrent sur une activité, un paysage ou un geste. Or Donc, Galerie Dominique Fiat, Paris, France. One thing has remained constant, her works have always explored the relationship between art and social connections. Tania Mouraud «Sightseeing», Galerie du Lycée Gabriel Fauré, Foix, France . Tania Mouraud. The City Performance N°1 poster campaign has been revived for one week throughout the city of Metz and its suburbs within the framework of Tania Mouraud. 1997World Signs, The Herbert Read Gallery, Canterbury, Kent (United Kingdom)*Le silence des héros, galerie du musée Louise-Weiss, Saverne (France). Naissance: 2 janvier 1942 (78 ans) Paris . Part of HuffPost Entertainment. Inside, 25 sq. In Sightseeing, Le Verger (The Orchard), Du Pain et des jeux (Bread and Games), Or donc (Gold Now), the individual is projected into the foreground by his/her absence. The non-profit organisation that runs the space is backed by DRAC Lorraine, Lorraine Regional Council, Moselle General Council and City of Metz. from which she extracts their plastic and cognitive potential. This autodafe marked a radical break with painting which she had engaged in since 1962 under the influence of Georges Mathieu in particular, American artists from action painting and from the pop art movement. Tania Mouraud qui se déroule en deux phases [11 septembre - 18 octobre / 11 septembre - 13 décembre]. At the end of 1977, 54 billboards were marked with the word "NI" (literally neither/nor) in five arrondissements of northern and eastern Paris for 15 days. Mercredi 22 janvier 2014 . You enter the space through a window using a small staircase placed in the street. Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you. Tania Mouraud. Tania Mouraud was born on 2 January 1942 in Paris to Marcel Mouraud, lawyer, art collector and resistance fighter, and Martine Sersiron (pen name: Martine Chevrier), resistance fighter, journalist, advertising agent, business woman and writer. Biographie et œuvre [modifier | modifier le wikicode]. Following a discussion with André Valensi, she toughened her stance by eliminating photography from her work and concentrating solely on text, its support and the space in which it is inscribed. A retrospective. Tania Mouraud présente à la galerie Dominique Fiat sa dernière série photographique, Borderland. A subversive paradox of language without a message, the "NI" is an "anonymous stance. Librairie les Beaux Jours, Tarbes. Tania Mouraud Roaming, Borderland. Initialement engagée dans une démarche picturale, Tania Mouraud lui tourne le dos dès la fin des années 1960 – l’artiste est née en 1942 – pour développer une pratique pluridisciplinaire qui n’a de cesse d’interroger les rapports de l’art et des liens sociaux ainsi que la question de la responsabilité de l’artiste dans la société comme face à l’histoire. Camera on her shoulder, she filmed non-stop from the back of the car up to the entrance to the camp, producing Sightseeing with music composed by Claudine Movsessian. Extension until March 15, 2021, From November 21, 2020 to March 15, 2021. In the last room, the wall size projection of the video Face to Face (2009) put us in presence of a moving train and crane in a desolate landscape made of scrap metal. Her first meditation room, One more night (1970), initially realised for the eponymous exhibition by Jean Larcade at the Galerie Rive Droite in Paris, has been specially reconstructed for the show. Collectant toutes sortes de sons, naturels et urbains, à travers le monde, Tania Mouraud associe Field recording et sons électroniques. Tania Mouraud produit l'œuvre Le Silence des héros dans le cadre de l'exposition Territoire occupés organisé par le Frac Lorraine sur une ancienne base militaire de l'OTAN, à Zweibrücken. The exhibition highlights her tenacious career, marked by her encounters with prominent contemporary artists, as well as by her personal life story. project, permanent installation, 49 Nord 6 Est - Frac Lorraine, Metz (France), 2006La Fabrique, CSUF – Grand Central Art Center, Santa Ana, Los Angeles (United States)*. Her work takes many different forms, while remaining based on a real social engagement and ontological questioning; she mobilizes the … Certificate of Excellence. In 2015, Centre Pompidou-Metz is presenting, in partnership with 9 cultural sites in Metz, the first world-class exhibition entirely dedicated to French artist Tania Mouraud. * Tania Mouraud, peintre autrement, entretien par Valérie Da Costa et Alain Berland, Particules n°20, juin 2008 Contact Presse Marie-Claire Groeninck Basel 8 - 13 juin 2009 Stand J2 dOMINIQUE fiAT, GALERIE 16, rue des Coutures Saint-Gervais F-75003 Paris T +33 1 40 29 98 80 F +33 1 40 29 07 19 E Her frequent visits to the Musée du Louvre considerably influenced her artistic career. Special focus is given to her meditation rooms as well as her photo-texts and works on language from the 1970s, all emblematic of Tania Mouraud's repertoire. Its primary aim is to promote young contemporary art in its diverse forms both in the Lorraine region and elsewhere.Located at 5 rue des Parmentiers, Octave Cowbell is an apartment open to visitors. Ces œuvres s'appréhendent ici comme des peintures. Octave Cowbell is a 'community' exhibition space. The experiential progression through the three spaces is intense, chaotic and dramatic. Durée: 7' Musique : Claudine Movsessian D u I X e s. à l a f i n d u X V I I e s. X V I I I e e t X I X e s. … Tania Mouraud Tania Mouraud - Sightseeing - 2002 - Video, 7 min - Courtesy of Cueto Project, New York. 1,530 Reviews. Premier rendez-vous du programme "Intersection", la présentation à Lourdes à la librairie Le Square, puis aux Beaux Jours à Tarbes, de la vidéo "Sightseeing" (2002) de Tania Mouraud, une oeuvre qui s’inscrit dans une réflexion sur la mémoire collective, par une mise à distance … Tania Mouraud's exploration of identity, awareness of self and one's place in the universe is broadened through her work on a series of photo-texts and photographs taken on heliographic plates, some of which even take the shape of Buddhist mandalas. La musique Klezmer (musique traditionnelle Yiddish) de Claudine Movsessian apporte un souffle vital qui est stoppé brutalement. Further support from 49 Nord 6 Est - Frac Lorraine came in 2005 with the monumental project titled HCYS?.This large-scale work covers a blind wall at the Musée de la Cour d’Or. It is unclear and this is deliberate from an artist who likes to play with the memory of images. This reference work will include a significant amount of her writings and numerous unprecedented documents. Covering 1100 sq. E : Les paysages qu’elle photographie n’existent pas. Dans les vidéos suivantes, Machines désirantes et La Curée, Tania Mouraud travaille sur la lente chorégraphie des corps de carpes koï et de chiens de chasse – jouant sur leur beauté et leur sourde violence. 1 Parvis des Droits de l Homme, 57020, Metz, France. Mêlant art vidéo et création sonore, Tania Mouraud s’est livrée avec Roaming à une importante recréation : loin de … In the first room, one video and two wall installations surround you and inform you how much her work addresses sight, mind and the body. Le site de Tania Mouraud. In September 2010, alongside Nuit Blanche 3 in Metz, Vanessa Steiner and Cédric Shili decided to take over the premises of a shop once run by dog groomer. : 7€ / 10€ / 12€ Camera on her shoulder, she filmed non-stop from the back of the car up to the entrance to the camp, producing Sightseeing with music composed by Claudine Movsessian. Noteworthy sculptures and funerary steles are equally on display. L'exposition "Tania Mouraud, une rétrospective" se tient jusqu'au 5 octobre 2015 au Centre Pompidou-Metz. Tania Mouraud, née le 2 janvier 1942 à Paris, est une artiste contemporaine française.. This collection often deals with female artists and immaterial forms and is developed through performances, dance and other live forms. The mediums used to achieve this, i.e. She has also reflected upon the aesthetic relationship between art and war, and through the act of writing, has examined the limits of perception by creating “words of form”* (1989). Or Donc, Galerie Dominique Fiat, Paris, France. La musique Klezmer (musique traditionnelle Yiddish) de Claudine Movsessian apporte un souffle vital qui est stoppé brutalement. This campaign profoundly impacted Tania Mouraud's work and led her to several major trends: the re-use of largescales, the artistic aspects of language and the exploration of public space. World Signs, The Herbert Read Gallery, Canterbury, Kent (Royaume-Uni)* Le silence des héros, galerie du musée Louise-Weiss, Saverne (France) Le 29 décembre, Tania Mouraud part de … tania Mouraud. Tania Mouraud fonde en 2002 le groupe d’expérimentation sonore … The 2019 edition, under the artistic direction of Toulouse graffiti artist TILT, will be mentored by artist Tania Mouraud. As a true mirror of an evolving society, Frac invites its audiences to dream the world in which they live through collective experiences and direct participation. Sign up for membership to become a founding member and help shape HuffPost's next chapter. This led to her "BLACK POWER" work, which consists of a series of relief-paintings with a DIY feel to them, expressing closer ties to industrial painting than to the smooth aesthetics of conceptual art. Tania Mouraud est née à Paris le 2 janvier 1942. Extended patronage by 49 Nord 6 Est - Frac Lorraine has intricately linked Mouraud's work and artistic career to the city of Metz since 1990s, starting in 1995 with the acquisition of City Performance N°1, an anthological work from the late 1970s. ÉSAL (École supérieure d'art de Lorraine) is a public institution, which along with École d’Épinal and CEFEDEM, make up the only higher education centre for plastic arts–music–dance in Lorraine region. Le Centre Pompidou-Metz consacre à Tania Mouraud une large rétrospective couvrant son travail depuis le début des années 1970. Ten-some were engaged in wall paintings and the exhibition's installation. With retail sales of 3.8 billion Euros, the Group today benefits from international renown founded on its emblematic brands: Galeries Lafayette, BHV / MARAIS, Royal Quartz, Louis Pion and Didier Guérin. À bord d’une voiture, Tania Mouraud filme le paysage derrière une vitre embuée : les arbres, la neige, le ciel. La saison 2008-2009 du centre d’art Passerelle s’attachera aux problématiques liées aux métaphores politiques, à la nature et la domestication de la nature. She read numerous books on typography and its history. The selection of over 70 works of art, some from the artist's personal collection, unveil the portrait of a socially engaged Tania Mouraud. Tania Mouraud a placé la vidéo Or donc (2005) dans la continuité de ce difficile, voire impossible déchiffrage, dont la lecture s'avère tout aussi perturbée. 2006. The concert hall at Arsenal is foremost dedicated to symphonies and baroque music. EPCC – Metz en Scènes, which groups Arsenal, Les Trinitaires and BAM together, was created in 2009 by the City of Metz and the Lorraine Region. Au bout de la route, les portes du camp de concentration de Natzweiler-Struthof … m. in Galerie 2 at Centre Pompidou-Metz, the exhibition takes a look at Tania Mouraud's career and artistic practice, from her 1968 autodafe, a profoundly symbolic act of destruction that ended her initial pictorial years, through to her initiation and mediation rooms of 1970s, up to her most recent works. Cette perception désenchantée évolue vers le tragique avec la vidéo Sightseeing de Tania Mouraud. 03 87 15 39 39,, tlj sauf mardi 10h-18h, du vendredi au dimanche 10h-19h, entrée 12 €. centre d’art passerelle / brest / dossier de presse / J.I.T. Elle est complétée, pour la saison estivale, par une dizaine d’expositions organisée dans autant de lieux dans la ville de Metz. "Through my work, I demonstrate that Philosophy and Art should and can merge together to lead us on our path to Knowledge.". La légende Tania Mouraud naît en 1968, lorsqu’elle brûle en public quelque 150 toiles, dans la cour de l’hôpital de Villejuif. The artist's emblematic works will be revealed throughout the urban landscape and workshops with the artist herself offered to students at École Supérieure d’Art de Lorraine in the scope of a one-year collaboration. Ear-rooms DANIELE BALIT Fra gli aspetti che più adeguatamente sembrano caratterizzare il percor-so di Tania Mouraud (1942), vi è quello che potrebbe essere definito co-me la ricerca di una forma di perpetua avanguardia. The works cited above introduce a brief yet extremely fruitful period in Tania Mouraud's work, which focused on the search for "an extra space for soul extension" and brought about her meditation and initiation rooms which she suggested be added to standardised apartments in the 1960-70s. She was fascinated by advertising and the Russian avant-garde. 1942Tania Mouraud was born on 2 January 1942 in Paris to Marcel Mouraud, lawyer, art collector and resistance fighter, and Martine Sersiron (pen name: Martine Chevrier), resistance fighter, journalist, advertising agent, business woman and writer. Located in the historical centre of Metz since 1839, Musée de La Cour d’Or – Metz Métropole retraces the history of the city and its surroundings from ancient Gallo-Roman times to the present through its multi-disciplinary collections including archaeology, history, architecture and the fine arts.The thermal baths discovered on site in 1932 serve as the backdrop to the permanent exhibition on the daily lives in Roman Gaul. In the cavernous second room, there is only one video, entitled Sightseeing (2002). Tania Mouraud - I HAVEN'T SEEN A BUTTERFLY HERE - 2011 - Wall painting site-specific - Courtesy of Cueto Project, New York. Intersection - Tania Mouraud. Several outstanding sets bear witness to the importance of Metz in the Middle Ages: Merovingian tombs, Louis Le Pieux' sarcophagus, a chancel from the Saint-Pierre-aux-Nonnains church as well as rare ceilings made of painted wood. Tania Mouraud Borderland. From Review: l'art est au centre of Centre Pompidou-Metz Centre Pompidou-Metz See all 1,530 reviews. 1965Returned to France and discovered abstract American painting, lyrical abstraction by Georges Mathieu, New Realism, GRAV (Groupe de recherches d’art visuel). New York NY 10001 Tania Mouraud pursued her exploration of perception by focusing her work on linguistics and the phenomenology of perception – in particular on the notions of the immediate and the deferred. ).The gallery strives to present work with a twist on contemporary issues. L’auteur Jacinto Lageira enseigne l’esthétique et l’histoire de l’art à l’École des beaux-arts du Mans, ainsi qu’à l’université de Paris I – Panthéon-Sorbonne. She discovered musique concrète, became enthralled with Varèse and Xenakis and captivated by the theory of colour and traditional painting techniques. She subtly invites us to sharpen our awareness of our present and perhaps actually find a butterfly here.